Upcoming Events

Gaucho Preview Night: Calling All Incoming 9th Graders!

This evening is designed to welcome new students and families to Casa Grande High School and to highlight many of the educational and extracurricular programs that make Casa such an incredible school. The opening presentation will begin in the Multi-Use Room at 6:00 PM, and will be followed by an Open House that will give parents and students the opportunity to tour the campus, meet many of Casa's outstanding teachers and staff members, and also to visit 9th grade elective classrooms.

This event will provide you and your incoming 9th grader with an opportunity to learn about the innovative programs and educational opportunities available. During the course of the evening, in addition to open classrooms, the Casa Library will host faculty and staff from Honors and Advanced Placement courses, Counseling, Special Education, Athletics, and various student activities. This will be informal, allowing students and parents to engage directly with faculty, staff, Casa Boosters and other parent organizations. 

We look forward to meeting you and your incoming 9th grader on October 29th at 6:00 PM!