Doug Carl
Resource Specialist
At Petaluma High School the Special Education Department is broken up into two programs which are Special Day Class and Resource Specialists. Both programs use the (IEP) to address the students' disabilities.
The Resource Specialist Program (RSP) is a program to help children who qualify for special education services. The program is designed to give support to children with learning disabilities and give them strategies to help them be successful in their education. The kids are placed in a Study Skills class that helps address the students needs. Also, the students work on transition skills through Workability Program to prepare for life after high school. The students are placed in grade level Study Skills so that they may work in a collaborative atmosphere in the Study Skills setting.
The Special Day Class (SDC) establishes and enforces rules for positive behavior and policies and procedures to maintain order among students. The class teaches socially acceptable behavior, employing techniques such as behavior modification and positive reinforcement. There is modification in the general education curriculum for special-needs students, based upon a variety of instructional techniques and technologies.