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Petaluma Promise

What is the Petaluma Promise?

Petaluma City Schools and Sonoma State University have partnered to create your path to higher education and a bright future. Through the Petaluma Promise, you'll have access to pre-admission counseling, workshops on financial aid and scholarships, campus visits, primary consideration for housing, and so much more.

Petaluma Promise students have the opportunity to earn Guaranteed Admission and receive priority consideration for the SSU Presidential Scholarship Program. You are already part of our community. Why not get engaged on the university campus. You'll have opportunities to connect with SSU alumni, receive VIP Tickets for SSU sporting events, and even take classes on the SSU campus during your senior year.

What are the A-G Requirements?

The CSU requires a minimum 15-unit pattern of courses for admission as a first-time freshman. Each unit is equal to a year of study in a subject area. A grade of C or better is required for each course you use to meet any subject requirement.


9TH GRADE: English (B), Math 1 (C), Physical Science (D)

10TH GRADE: World History (A), English (B), Math 2 (C), Biology (D), Language (E)

11TH GRADE: US History (A), English (B), Math 3 (C), Language (E), VAPA (F) 12TH GRADE: English (B), Elective (G)

01: Requirements

Complete A-G Course Sequence with minimum 3.0 GPA

Petaluma HS UC Course LIst Casa Grande HS UC Course LIst

02: What's in it for you?

  • Guaranteed Admission
  • Primary Consideration for Presidential Scholarships
  • Additional counseling and mentorship
  • Extra celebrations and recognition for PCS students
  • Primary consideration for housing
  • VIP admission to campus and sports events
  • Opportunity to shadow an SSU student
  • Opportunities to connect with alumni
  • Access to 1st Year Learning Communities
  • Take classes on SSU campus during senior year

03: Discover your path with the Petaluma Promise and SSU!

Are you in 8th to 12th grade and eager to explore exciting career opportunities? Petaluma Promise and Sonoma State University will help shape your career options.

Through this collaboration, you'll gain access to unique career exploration programs designed to inspire and guide you toward your future. Discover various career paths, engage in hands-on activities, and connect with professionals who can help you turn your dreams into reality!

SSU will help create paths to careers such as:

  • Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Business Administration
  • Biology
  • Nursing
  • Teacher Education and Liberal Studies
  • Communications