Certificated and Classified substitutes are important partners in the education of our students. Petaluma City Schools is currently recruiting substitutes to be placed on our District's on-call, as needed list for substitute certificated teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria assistant, classified paraprofessionals for Special Education, custodians and secretaries.
To register as a certificated substitute teacher, you will first need to register with the credential office at the Sonoma County Office of Education or call Julie Hunter at (707) 524-2681.
Once that process is completed, please contact Monse Salas (Human Resources Specialist) at msalas@petk12.org or (707) 778-4609 to schedule an appointment to complete new hire paperwork.
You will need to bring the following items to your appointment:
The rates of pay for day-to-day substitute certificated employees of the elementary and secondary schools shall be:
Days | Full Days (More than 4 hours) | Half Days (4 hours or less) |
1-20 | $200 | $120 |
21+ | $225 | $140 |
When a substitute works for twenty-one consecutive days as a substitute for one teacher, they shall advance on the twenty-first day to the increased rate of pay.
Substitute Full Inclusion and South County Consortium Teachers
Are paid the same rate of pay.
Substitute Elementary Music Teachers
When working at more than one site per day, the rate is two half days of $80 + $80 = $160.
Substitute School Psychologists, School Nurses & Speech Pathologists (effective 7/1/19)
The rates of pay for day-to-day substitute school psychologists, school nurses and speech pathologists shall be:
Questions related to classified substitutes may be directed to Ursula Perez Lopez at uperezlopez@petk12.org or (707) 778-4609.
You will need to bring the following items to your appointment:
We use Frontline Absence Management. Check out the Quick Start Guide for more information.