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Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an essential element for a well-rounded education and is often an experience that defines the future for many of our students. WBL bridges the gap between school and in-demand, high-skill careers. WBL activities begin as early elementary school and continue through post-secondary education. Through structured employer engagement, WBL helps students build on their classroom-based instruction by developing and strengthening technical skills and employability skills in preparation for future careers.
For Students
For Schools
For Employers
Build awareness of the variety of careers available and the role of postsecondary education; broaden student options. Examples include guest speakers, job site tours, and field trips, etc.
Explore career options and postsecondary for the purpose of motivating students and to inform their decision making in high school and post - secondary education. Examples include attending job shadows, college and career advising, career fairs, aptitude tests, career planning and/or research
Apply learning through practical experience that develops knowledge and skills necessary for success in careers and postsecondary education. Examples include resume workshops, interview preparation, internships and workplace readiness modules.
Train for employment and/or postsecondary education in a specific range of occupations. Examples include pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, and certification programs.
PCS believes authentic work-based learning (WBL) is essential to preparing students for success in college, career, and life. Partner with us to provide high quality WBL experiences for the next generation! Opportunities include: Guest Speakers, Career Days, Career Mentoring, Workplace Tours, Career Fairs, Job Shadowing, Mock Interviews, Internships, and more!
Email Contact: Victor Hughes, PCS Work-Based Learning Coordinator vhughes@petk12.org
Learn More & ApplyVictor Hughes
Work Based Learning Coordinator at District Office
(707) 835-1023
McCoy Dodsworth
College and Career Outreach Specialist at Petaluma High School
(707) 778-4857
Damien Silver
College and Career Outreach Specialist at Casa Grande High School
(707) 778-4677