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The priority registration window for the 2025-26 school year will open on January 9, 2025 and run through February 14, 2025. This priority registration window is intended for students who are NEW and just joining Petaluma City Schools. Elementary schools will begin hosting tours for prospective families in January and tours will continue into the spring. Whether you have an incoming TK or kindergarten student, or you're considering a change for your current elementary-aged student, we welcome you to join a campus tour!
If you accidentally miss the priority registration window, families may still submit applications for enrollment after the window closes. All TK-6 registration takes place online via SchoolMint. When registering, please pay careful attention and be sure to select the correct school year for your online application.
Please note: If you have a student who is already attending a PCS elementary school, you do not need to register your child.
Students are eligible for TK in the 2024-25 school year if they turn five between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025.
TK enrollment for the 2025-26 school year is open to students who turn four on or before September 1, 2025.
You may contact school sites directly for more information about enrollment, or to schedule a tour of a Transitional Kindergarten classroom.
Grant Elementary (707) 778-4742
Mary Collins at Cherry Valley (707) 778-4740
McDowell Elementary (707) 778-4745
McKinley School (707) 778-4750
McNear Elementary (707) 778-4752
Valley Vista Elementary (707) 778-4762
Penngrove Elementary (707) 778-4755